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Along with formulating its long-term vision for 2050 and interim vision for 2030 in 2023, IDEC reviewed material issues, incorporating enhancement of its human capital and governance under the heading “business foundation”. IDEC again reviewed some of its material issues in light of the external environment and other factors and, in addition to adding respect for human rights in 2024, also changed its interim vision for 2030.

Sustainability Targets and Progress 

Areas for action have been established in order to achieve our vision for 2030, and sustainability KPIs have been selected for each area.  

Material issuesVision for 2030Areas for actionSustainability KPIsFY2024 resultsFY2023-2025 targetsTargets achieved
Productivity improvementContribute to improving the productivity and efficiency of our customers and society around the world by providing the IDEC Group’s long-cultivated control technology, products, and system solutions.Develop products that meet new customer needs and strengthen our ability to propose solutions to customer issuesSolution ratio to sales13.0%12%
Safety, ANSHIN, and well-being

Realize the optimum environment for both humans and machines to resolve societal issues to create safe and comfortable environment and achieve healthy, happy, and vigorous lives.

Improve safety, productivity, and well-being through technology development, human resource development, management, and rulemaking.

Provide products and services that achieve customer safety, ANSHIN and well-beingCAGR in Safety & Explosion Protection Business (during the past five years)6.5%15%
Cumulative attendees of safety & explosion protection seminars (Japan)Increase 7.7% YoY Increase 5% YoY
Achieve safety, ANSHIN, and well-being by fostering a culture of safetyNumber of cumulative employees holding safety qualification*1Increase 5.3% YoYIncrease 3% YoY
Frequency rate of industrial accidents*20.650
Climate changeContribute to the reduction of the environmental impact of customers and society through the use of the IDEC Group’s technologies and products.Promote development of eco-friendly productsCumulative ratio of enhanced eco-friendly products to total new products (Cumulative total since FY2020)73.5%60% or hither
Reduce CO2 emissions through the in-house use of renewable energy.Reduce environmental impact at our business sitesReduction ratio of CO2 emissions (Scope1&2, vs. FY2020)Decrease 19.8%Decrease 24%
Renewable energy utilization ratio14.5%18%
Reduction ratio of industrial wastes (vs. FY2020)Increase 1.0%Decrease  24%
Business foundationEnsure a thorough understanding of “The IDEC Way” and stimulate the company by creating an attractive work environment that gives employees a sense of purpose.Create a pleasant work environmentEngagement score (Japan)Improvement in the scores for 3 main issues*3 (as compared to FY2023)
Ratio of males taking childcare leave*2100%90%
Conduct business with the highest ethical standards, respect human rights both at our company and in the value chain, and further strengthen corporate governance and compliance.

Respect for human rights

Improve management transparency and effectiveness

Human rights and compliance training attendance rate (Japan)100%100%
Number of items with below average scores in the Board of Directors’ effectiveness assessment26%20% or less
Number of serious legal violations00
Strengthen human capital to cultivate employees who will be able to create new value and innovate.Promote of decent work and increase investment in human capitalNumber of female managers*2 (including associates in the position of leader with subordinates1515
Average per capital training costs*2JPY 59,000JPY 70,000

*1 Number of employees certified as Safety Assessors, Safety Basic Assessors, Robot Safety Assessors, or Safety Officers
*2 IDEC unconsolidated
*3 Main issues: (1) human resource development, (2) strengthening management abilities, and (3) improving the acceptability of the personnel system