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Commitment to Sustainability

We consider the IDEC Group Code of Conduct, the CSR Charter, and the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact to be important compasses for guiding our actions in line with our company philosophy, “The IDEC Way.” We are committed to helping achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by tackling societal issues through our business activities. Our efforts toward sustainability are being spearheaded by the Sustainability Committee launched as CSR Committee in 2018 and renamed in 2024.

Going forward, we will continue taking action under the Basic Sustainability Policy to resolve global issues through our business activities, with the ultimate aim of realizing a sustainable society. Our efforts include 1) advancing the safety, health, and well-being of all people through our participation in and support for the Vision Zero campaign led by the International Social Security Association (ISSA) under the International Labour Organization (ILO); 2) remaining attentive to climate change and other global environmental issues; and 3) preparing to respond to future risks and opportunities. 

Basic Sustainability Policy

We are engaged in business activities based on the “Vision: Pioneer the new norm for a safer and sustainable world” and “Mission: To create the optimum environment for humans and machines” as stated in our company philosophy “The IDEC Way”.
Our Principles of “The IDEC Way” and the IDEC Group Code of Conduct clearly state the actions to be taken to realize our Vision and Mission. We will actually take the actions in order to help realize a sustainable society and increase our corporate value.

Sustainability Promotion System

The Sustainability Committee, chaired by the CEO, was established to develop our Group’s sustainability action policy. Five specialized committees were established under it to focus on specific policy areas: Environment, Social, Governance, plus two for areas of our strengths, Safety and Quality; together referred to as “ESG+Sa+Q,” and these specialized committees are each chaired by an executive officer and consist of knowledgeable, experienced members who develop measures pertaining to their respective themes. The Sustainability Committee meets twice a year, and important matters discussed are reported to and supervised by the Top Management Meeting and the Board of Directors as may be necessary.

Sustainability Leaders share the content of Sustainability Committee discussions with each employee at Workplace Training sessions, with the aim of putting activities into practice and creating an open workplace where opinions can be exchanged. Employees submitted 475 opinions and proposals, which were shared by the specialized committees in FY2024. This feedback is incorporated in our Group’s sustainability activities.

Recognizing the goal of a harmonious existence with the earth that we all share, we make environmental safety and quality a top priority in all aspects of our business while pursuing sustainable business growth.

Since its founding, the IDEC Group has set "respect for humanity" as a corporate objective and has made "contributing to society through business growth" one of its basic management policies. Also, the Group strives to contribute to society through business activities, and supports and promotes social contribution activities by its employees.

The IDEC Group believes that transparency and management efficiency for stakeholders are fundamental elements of corporate governance. The Group will keep improving corporate governance in order to increase corporate value.

The IDEC Group strives to improve industry on-site safety through control equipment/system businesses and by developing safety standards, based on its fundamental management policies of "management with respect for humanity" and "contributing to society and economy through business activities."

The IDEC Group's basic stance is that "a product's value depends on its quality." In order to deliver "reassuring" and "safe" products, the Group strives to offer development, production, sales, and service based on a quality management system.

CSR Charter

To Employees

IDEC Group is committed to creating safe, friendly and motivating workplaces for employees while building Group companies where they feel proud to work.

To Customers

IDEC Group assures that customers receive safe and reliable products of high quality and high performance backed by its development, production and sales capabilities. IDEC Group continues to increase public trust by providing excellent services and appropriate information disclosures.

To Shareholders and Investors

IDEC Group fulfills its global obligations by enforcing corporate accountability and having its records available regularly to shareholders through extensive investor relations (IR) activities. The Group also strives to maintain profits that meet shareholder expectation and to increase the value of the Group.

To Business Associates

IDEC Group is committed to building strong partnerships for mutual success, growth and trust with its business associates by establishing fair and rational trade standards.

To Global and Local Communities

IDEC Group aims to contribute to global and local communities by forging partnerships with deep understanding and respect for the culture and history of each local communities. We also aim to develop a green society and a green economy through environmental activities.